Rabbi Ross. My son is a diehard sports fan. It’s actually quite ironic since my husband and I both don’t really care that much, but my son is completely addicted. He always wants to watch a game, and no season is safe. He watches every Yankees game, every Giants game, every Rangers game, and every Knicks game. The saddest part is, even if one of his favorite teams isn’t playing, he still finds a game to watch.
If that was it, I would probably be ok with it. He gets extremely intense during these games and won’t be disturbed. If his team loses, the world is ending. Homework? Not during games. Learning? Not a chance. If Maariv and Yankees conflict, he davens at what he calls the “Kotel” in the room where the game is playing. It seems to me that a twelve-year-old boy should be taking Davening a lot more seriously. My husband says your response will be the same as his - “Choose your battles”. Is he correct? Private - Woodmere You husband is correct that I’m a big fan of “Choosing your battles”. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t fight any battles! Part of the parenting challenge is being able to figure out what battles to fight and when to fight them. Let’s discuss your question. Your issue isn’t the fact that your son is a sports fan. It’s that he’s obsessed with sports. From the way you’re describing him, it seems that professional sports has taken over his life. I know of many children like this, and quite a few adults as well. It’s certainly not healthy for him for a few reasons. It can have a negative affect socially, and as you’ve noticed, it can cause him to become extremely moody. It doesn’t matter whether he’s watching these games online, using an app or on TV, too much is unhealthy. You didn’t mention how long he’s been having this issue, but for arguments sake, let’s say it’s been happening for a year. I consulted a psychologist who understands this issue very well, and he seemed to think it’s a phase that some kids go through. Not the watching of professional sports, but the obsessive part. According to him, this obsessiveness will tone down after a year or two. If that doesn’t happen, he suggested that you speak to a professional counselor. I have to admit, I was taken aback that he’s not willing to interrupt the games for Davening. I’m not sure how it got to this point, but there are two issues that should be dealt with immediately. First of all, there’s the fact that he’s not serious about his davening. He needs to understand that Davening is something special and it should never be on the back-burner. You can click here for an article about davening. The second issue is somewhat obvious. If a child is watching a game and a parent calls him, he must stop watching to respond. Responses like “It’s almost over” or “I’ll be done in a minute” are completely unacceptable. When a parent tells a child to turn a game off, it can’t become a discussion. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the following. There is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed if your twelve-year-old child is deciding what games he is watching. In any case, here are some ideas that you can try out.
Beth L.
6/1/2018 10:13:43 am
I agree that there is an underlying issue. I don't understand how parents let this go so far. Don't wait for the issues to get worse, deal with them!
Ari Katz
6/1/2018 10:29:52 am
I agree with the doctor. This is a phase, and it should not be made into a big deal. He'll grow out of it quickly as he gets bored by it.
Shayna Liedman
6/1/2018 10:37:14 am
Im kinda curious what battles your husband thinks is worth fighting for. If my kid ever didn't respond to me, it would have the most serious consequence. He's only 12. What's going to happen when he's 16?!?! You've got to be a PARENT!
Faigy Lichter
6/1/2018 11:18:26 am
Be a parent? Not these days. You might offend your children. I'm being facetious of course. If only parents took responsibility for their children and showed them some tough love.
6/1/2018 11:06:05 am
I love your comment about the one-two punch. I have noticed that my son takes his phone with him wherever he goes. Even if we’re watching a small video together he needs his phone by his side. Kids need to learn that there is life outside of the phone world.
Esther L.
6/1/2018 01:36:42 pm
Isn’t the statement everything in moderation talking about food? I never knew it was a life lesson.
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AuthorRabbi Yitzie Ross is a Rebbe and has been working with parents and kids for many years. You can read more about him in the "about" section. Archives
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